Monday, January 26, 2009

Mayaguez and Blanca

I made it to Mayaguez but my public transportation cost me $50.00. What a nightmare. The good news is that the tourist information center here is THE BEST. Blanca R. Rivera Mercado and I have become fast friends. She gave me a grand tour of Mayaguez and took me to the market as well and showed me the best places to eat true Puerto Rican fare. I am going to walk to the Porto (ferry ) this afternoon and eat some good food enroute as well. Blanca is practicing her English and speaks very well actually. She encouraged me to correct her as she talked about the architecture and culture of Mayaguez. She is building a house in Cabo Rojo near Boqueron which is a nice beach area. She believes I am very strong to quit my job and decide to travel alone for a few months. She likes my type of travelling as well-with a backpack and keeping money as local as possible for the people. She said that PR has 32 varieties of mangos, 32 imagine! But the season is in the summer months. I have baby bananas and coconut for my journey by ferry. Wish me luck. The crossing between Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic is very rough water acutally but the ferry is a large one so it should be ok.

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